Sunday, April 10, 2011

In Response to Abby Hajec’s: Pandora Radio: Safe or Unsafe

What is your opinion? Is this sharing of personal information going too far? Or, is it okay for companies to do without our consent?
I guess the company thinks that it is ok because of all those social networks.  It seems to be the norm today to tell the world everything, regardless of how personal it is. So I guess that the company thought that it’s ok for them to do the same, since people don’t seem to care. Don’t get me wrong I am not condoning what they’re done; personally I think that it’s going too far and I believe that people deserve the right to privacy. If there is a possibility that a customer’s information will be shared then the customer has the right to know and the authority to decide whether or not they are in agreement.
So many employers are checking potential employees’ Facebook as a way to gain insight as to who the person really is. I think that we all have heard stories about people who lost their jobs because of what they said on Facebook. I remember listening to the news (maybe it was Stupid news on KNE FM) and the host was talking about this woman that was robbed because of her status on Facebook. She posted that she was going to a concert, where and what time and one of her ‘friends’ decided to make use of that information. The burglar was eventually caught.
Do think the use of social networks and the amount of personal information has affects people’s privacy

Disaster averted: The Government open for business.

I was amazed that republicans seemed willing to shut the government down with so much at stake and jeopardizing the recovery process while commenting that it’s not for drama. Listening to the news on Friday (CNN) a democratic representative said that they did what the republicans requested but it was not enough. The republicans then wanted more concessions and they were not willing to compromise (a word that came up a lot). It seems to be more about a power struggle than anything else and some people care more about their own agenda than the American people. According to Congress.orgUnder Article I, Section 6 of the Constitution, members of Congress "shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States." Maybe what needs to be done is to renegotiate congress's salary and benefits; if everyone’s salary and benefits are getting cut then so should congress.
One of the recurring arguments is about Planned Parenthood and the fact that they used money funded by the government to conduct abortion. At a time like this the 3% of the funding Planned Parenthood spends on abortion is the least of the country’s problems. They should be happy that people are recognizing that they are cannot afford those children rather than having them and becoming a further burden on the state.  Maybe if more people acted responsibly there would not be such a strain on Social Security.
I understand the cuts were needed to be made and that something had to give, but no one wants to be the one to give. People don’t what to pay more taxes and I understand things are already hard. I don’t want to pay more taxes. Yet they expect so much from the government. Where on earth is the government going to get the money, unless there is some kind of money tree at the back of the White House that I don’t know about. The President inherited a country in crisis, he inherited two wars, he is trying to get the country back on its feet and like they say you have to spend money to make money.
Thankfully congress came to an agreement and the shutdown was averted. The consequences of the shutdown would have been devastating to an already decimated economy.
Do you think that the Tea Party extremists are right in allowing the shutdown and if yes would the resulting damage have been worth it?